After-Care Instructions for Crowns and Bridges
If you have had anesthetic, please be careful not to bite your tongue or the inside of your cheeks. Avoid eating chewy foods until the numbness has worn off. It is important that the temporary crown (or bridge) stay in place until the permanent crown is placed. If the temporary crown becomes dislodged or feels uncomfortable, please call us so that we may see you as soon as possible. Do not attempt to “glue” the temporary crown back in yourself or “go without it” as the teeth may become sensitive or shift slightly preventing placement of the permanent crown. You can use a denture adhesive like Fixodent to temporarily hold the crown or bridge in until you can get to our office. Some cold sensitivity and tenderness around the gum is normal for the first few days.
Avoid chewing anything very hard or sticky on the temporary crown. Examples to avoid: Gum, Hard Crusty Bread, Taffy, or hard candy.
Brush as usual, but floss with care. When flossing, remove floss from the side of the tooth. It is important to brush and keep gum tissue as clean as possible. Remember, we are happy to see you to check the temporary crown if you have a question prior to insertion of the permanent crown.